James Hansen is not a climate scientist, so why is he above reproach in his views on global warming? - not above reproach: the career of lucy lee-robbins
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/James_Hanse ...
Hansen has studied the physics and astronomy. Why are some people who agree with everything he says, in a region that is lacking in education?
I would not say that he knows nothing. This is a game with a political agenda. Your program is used by the Socialists to attack capitalism, what for them is a hero. Regardless of their point of view of CO2 emissions overheated predominant cause are likely to impact on Venus is completely false, or that their computer models are also useful as fairy wings in a dump truck. He did not help his cause to criticize.
So, in his view, the study of climate has nothing to do with physics?
1: a science that deals with matter and energy and their interactions
2a: physical processes and phenomena of a given system B: physical properties and composition of some
Are you saying that the climate is not a system of physical processes and energy?
A climate scientist is a scientist, the climate and the results of studies published in scientific journals. I think this list speaks for itself:
http://pubs.giss.nasa.gov/authors/jhanse ...
Anyone with 2 / 3 of the relocation of the situation of the analysis of trends. The program can explain the other 1 / 3 of the equation. Please note that this is not easy to James Hansen, but I personally do not accept without reservation the data contained therein ..
Statistically, someone who spends 15 minutes per day, on a particular aspect of the technology for 2 years - is now considered an expert on the topic. Please note that he / she now has more raw data to around 95 percent of the population in general. Is he / she does not know about them? Of course not. Experts continue to experience in their area of interest, until they get in the pine box. They continue to review and refine their hypotheses.
Any good observer can make an educated guess, but it requires a level of commitment that is rarely exactly 51 percent of the time. Words such as "if we consider," Let's assume "or" the available data are regularly used by the analysts, because the records are incomplete and subject to the variables and model results is impossible toand to predict, with reproducible results.
The deductive is a powerful tool, and that is why a consensus among the other pairs.
Well, it is not, and nobody claims it is.
Climate change "skeptics" such as rubbing his name in the chair at every opportunity, but. But only because I like the fact that NASA data is in dispute with them and try to depict him as a charlatan.
Unfortunately for them, NOAA, CRU, East Anglia and the World Meteorological Organization to achieve almost the same result.
... http://www.cru.uea.ac.uk/cru/info/warmin
... http://www.nicholas.duke.edu/nicholas/in
Rejection of criticism by political motives Hansen is not the same as claimed, it was "perfectly." It may be that it seems if you do not know the details of the argument.
James Hansen, not even agree with him. He knows that his position is valid not good, but who needs a job and not a job, so they never stopped trying to scare people.
I notice a lot of weight to the argument for AGW is Dr. Hansen and places the data of air temperature from the surface. Here is the problem that the skeptics, including Dr. Hansen, he admits that his information is incorrect. From an interview with Dr. Hansen to observe their reaction, A, and what he has to say. None of the stations monitor temperature, like Dr. Hansen, he admits, are configured to collect data reliably SA
P. What do you mean by SAT?
R. I doubt that it answered a general agreement on how this question. Also in the same place, the temperature near the ground may be very different from the temperature 5 feet above the ground and vary from 10 feet or more than 50 meters above the ground. Especially in the presence) of vegetation (eg temperature, the tropical forest above the vegetation very different from the temperature below the upper edge of the vegetation. A reasonable Suggstion could use the average temperature of 50 feet in the air at first, either above ground or through the vegetation. Saturday we have agreement on what is and, as far as I know, no standard measure has been passed on. I can not imagine that can build a weather station, a 50-foot stack of thermometers to find the truth
SA on its site.
Not a temperature of 50-foot tower, which is all over the world.
http://pubs.giss.nasa.gov/authors/jhanse ...
Most if not all publications were in the atmospheric sciences. I can hardly call it a climate specialist. This is not necessarily what are their credentials rather what, but his research was
I would, however, he has lost much of its objectivity in the last few years with his political activism.
James Hansen is one of the greatest minds on the planet. We should listen to him, mocking him NIOT. He tries to save the planet, forcing people to stop ignoring the pollution and recycling.
AGW is a political movement, and James Hansen is faithful to the agenda. Will perform research, as the program.
Hansen is not innocent, because he has earned.
It is certainly a climate researcher.
Do you love when the defender always place the personal circumstances and / or political attacks --- instead of the representation of "facts" - small or weak, such as.
Obviously you have not read the entire article from Wikipedia. Typical right wing neo-hate relationship with this sale. I suggest you study science, or shut up.
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